Re: Buliding 0.7.3 on Win32

Jeff Hostetler (
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 13:24:34 -0500

At 11:11 PM 7/14/99 -0700, Alan Young wrote:
>I'm having a couple of problems building 0.7.3 on Win32. So, I have to ask
>the question: "Who did the last minute change(s) and forgot to update the
>master source???" ;)

it'd probably be more correct to say that i've gone thru those
nasty hacks so that i can compile abiword.exe on a non-c drive,
but haven't had time/desire/motivation to hack all the way thru
the build process and include the parts used by the setup program.


can you get it to compile everything if you build it on your c drive ??


>The first problem I have a correction for. In src/pkg/win/setup/makefile,
>the command to link setup.exe is missing the magic sed edits to change the
>path from unix style to DOS style. At line 73 change:
>@$(CC) $(subst /,\\,$(OBJS)) -Fe$(subst /,\\,$@) -link $(LDFLAGS) $(OS_LIBS)
> $(ABI_LDFLAGS) $(subst /,\\,$(EXTRA_LIBS))
>@$(CC) $(shell echo $(OBJS) | sed 's|//[a-zA-Z]/|/|g' | sed 's|/|\\\\|g') \
> -Fe$(shell echo $@ | sed 's|//[a-zA-Z]/|/|g' | sed 's|/|\\\\|g') \
> -link $(LDFLAGS) $(ABI_LDFLAGS) $(OS_LIBS) \
> $(shell echo $(EXTRA_LIBS) | sed 's|//[a-zA-Z]/|/|g' | sed 's|/|\\\\|g')
>Once that change is made, the linker will find the libraries, etc. but then I
>a link error. :( Here's the message output:
>Linking //Y/abi/abi-0.7.3/src/WIN32_4.0_alpha_OBJ/bin/setup.exe....
>setup.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol g_pReadMeFile
>setup.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol g_pLicenseFile
>setup.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol g_iNumFileSets
>setup.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol g_aFileSets
>libAbiSetup_s.lib(ask_lib_Win32.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external
> g_pGraphicFile
>\abi\abi-0.7.3\src\WIN32_4.0_alpha_OBJ\bin\setup.exe : fatal error
LNK1120: 5 un
>resolved externals
>make[2]: *** [//Y/abi/abi-0.7.3/src/WIN32_4.0_alpha_OBJ/bin/setup.exe]
Error 2
>make[1]: *** [distribution] Error 2
>make: *** [distribution] Error 2
>Any idea where to start looking?

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