Re: XP Questions

Vadim Zeitlin (
Fri, 16 Jul 1999 23:14:38 +0200 (MET DST)

On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Jeff Hostetler wrote:

> we looked at wxWindows about a year ago, but at the time it wasn't ready
> for our needs. they've come a long way since then and if we were starting
> from scratch today, our answer might be different....

Hmm... Nice to hear that we're improving :-)

I was quite upset when you didn't start using wxWindows for your project - both
for us (because wxWindows would surely profit from spin off of your project,
just like it profits from other "big" projects using it) and for you because it
seemed quite clear to me that you could save a lot of work building on the
existing code base instead of doing something completely new.

wxWindows isn't perfect, it's just the best of free XP libraries I know of
To reuse the Perl's motto, it makes writing simple XP applications very simple
and writing the complicated once possible (even if sometimes you do need to
submit a patch or two to achieve this).

And to me too it would make much more sense to combine the forces of all open
source developers instead of creating dozens of concurrent toolkits. One can
always dream...


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