Re: XP Questions

Robert G. Werner (
Fri, 16 Jul 1999 23:16:28 -0700 (PDT)

Golly, gee wiz. Seems like I stepped on some toes. Didn't mean to, that
is for sure.
I'm sorry for sending you such an inane post. I thought you might be
interested in what I, a user, thought. Guess I was wrong.
If you just took my comments in a vein I didn't intend and maybe over
reacted, well, we've all done it after a long week. If not, well some
people have bad days all their lives.

I guess the only thing I was trying to do was say, "go for it!" and "let us
see how your code compiles and works!"
I have absolutely no other reason to say anything about this than the fact
that I like Abiword and the way the Abisource people have been developing
Obviously, it looks like you weren't looking for feedback from the general
populace of users. Maybe in the future you should mark your questions or
suggestions as for the "core" developers only, so you wouldn't face "inane"
comments like mine.

Again, I'm really sorry my post seemed to hit your sore spot. I didn't
mean that. I like the idea of lots of ideas. I don't agree with you that
there is some limited pool of effort that can be wasted. The wheel is
constantly being reinvented in real life and I don't exactly see how
programing, logic, or any other human activity is any different.
Obviously we disagree.
I know only hearsay about wxWindows and I am interested in learning more
about it. Obviously, you are pretty sure that it is near to being very,
very good. So I will have to take a look soon.
Sorry for hurting your feelings.
Sorry if this has just been a "waste" of electrons ;-).

Robert G. Werner
Impeach Conggress!!

The only cultural advantage LA has over NY is that you can make a right
turn on a red light.
-- Woody Allen

On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Tom Ryan wrote:

> [warning: if you are faint of heart or under 18, please skip this
> message]
> > I would bet with you that people didn't make a choice
> > between working on xp in Abisuite or xp on Mozilla or wxWindows, even.
> > They probably got interested in the idea and started working. I doubt

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