Re: req features moved up,,
Sun, 18 Jul 1999 15:05:44 +1000

On Sat, Jul 17, 1999 at 05:40:41PM +0200, wouter van den berg wrote:

> My users only seem to use spell-checking, page numbers, footnotes, and
> automatic table-of-contents.

Well, if I finish off all the work I need to finish today (stupid in-house
programming), I might take on footnotes myself, as they are absolutely vital
to word processing. I'll also take on page numbers, which suprises me that
they're not in there. Anybody got any tips as to where I may start doing this,
and how these should be done? (I haven't really gone through the AbiWord code
much, as I've been bogged down with stuff for work)

As for automatic table-of-contents, I don't know how you'd go about this in
AbiWord, as I'd probably use Lyx for something like that. (No offense to the
Abi people there, it's just that "traditional" (eg. MS-Word like) word
processors don't really cut it for documents with features like that)

-- Michael Samuel <>

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