Re: MDI and other thoughts

Jeff Hostetler (
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 09:53:03 -0500

At 07:18 AM 7/20/99 +0200, springstof wrote:
>the only pitty thing is that the abiwordwindows cannot remember the last used
>size, so by me the initial window is bigger than my screen (got a 14 inch
>laptop screen) and so every time i need to do very srange things to let the
>window fit. but i believe this will be resolved in the future?

this would be an easy thing for someone to work on who wanted a
nice easy place to jump into....

add a <session .../> tag with a series of name=value pairs to the
AbiWord.Profile. have a builtin table of default values for them
and allow the values in the file to override them on startup. on
exit, write out the current values....

there are several ways you make it work:
[] simple geometry of the last window open at the time of exit.
[] geometry and file name of every window open at the time of exit.
(this is a very M$ way of doing things)

if we do the latter, we'll probably want a <scheme.../> setting
for whether we want this enabled; that is, take the geometry, but
don't reopen every document.

any takers ??

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