Re: Word importer

Justin Bradford (
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 06:09:29 -0500 (CDT)

> 1. Not recognizing fonts yet (Justin's working on this tonight).

Done. The importer now handles font types, font sizes, and text color,
which I believe covers all of the character properties Abiword has, now.

Fast-saved docs are still giving me problems, especially now that I'm
testing more than boolean flags on the character properties. That'll be
fixed soon. It looks like something pretty minor is off.

Also, I'm not sure how it's holding up on non-Word97 docs at the moment.

> 2. Ditto for paragraph and line spacing.

I'll see if I can finish up the paragraph property support tomorrow, and
starting adding section properties, too.

> 3. Currently leaving slug characters at the end of each paragraph.

I hadn't noticed that. I'll look into it.

> 4. Speed. The importer is currently passing along each character and
> properties as it's read. Buffering runs with the same properties and adding
> them all at once should speed things up drastically. (The piece table can
> handle this by coalescing adjacent characters with the same properties, but
> it should be *much* more efficient if done in the importer.)

Yeah, I was going to do that once I had improved property support. I might
get to it tomorrow. This week sometime, for sure.


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