Re: DTD for ABW file format

Jeff Hostetler (
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 08:29:03 -0500

At 12:46 PM 7/21/99 +0100, Caolan McNamara wrote:
>On 21-Jul-99 Paolo Molaro wrote:
>>What's wrong with the "obviously correct" and simple example below?

"obvious" is in the eye of the beholder... :-)

>><list type=bullet>
>><item><p>stuff 1</p><p>second para</p></item>
>><item><p>stuff 2</p></item>

my concern with this is how it structually interleves with tables.
for example, consider:

<item><p>stuff 1</p></item>
<cell><item><p>stuff 2</p></item></list></cell>

this will cause xml to barf. if you push the </list> until after
the end of the table, a list later in the table will appear as a
second level list and won't indent right.

also, it looked like m$word allows multiple lists to be interleved.
(not that i care about this feature (allowing a bullet and number
list to be interleved in the flow), we might have to deal with it
on import).

>This mechanism is roughly how msword handles lists ( doing it this
>way makes it easier to convert id guess :-) )

Caolan, could you elaborate on what you've learned of m$word lists
and stuff. i guess i always considered my proposal to be a strawman
until we had sufficient feedback from those with insight into word files....


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