Re: commit -- more clipboard functionality

Decklin Foster (
Fri, 23 Jul 1999 20:39:14 -0400

Jeff Hostetler writes:

> > What is meant here by "internal clipboard" ? I never use a
> > clipboard in X, just cut/paste from xterm to xterm or the like.
> we have an internal data structure to keep the "clipboard" copy data
> and then use those buffers to paste from. we do not use the system
> clipboard. so, that means that on unix and beos we cannot yet copy
> and paste between other applications and abiword. on windows, we
> can.

In X, the 'clipboard' type stuff is mostly done with selections. When
the user selects anything, AbiWord should assert ownership of the
PRIMARY selection so that other programs can request it. The actual
"copy" or "cut" menu items should place the primary selection onto the
CLIPBOARD selection. Likewise, the "paste" menu item should insert the
CLIPBOARD selection, and clicking button2 in a document should insert
the PRIMARY selections.

A much better explanation can be found in section 2 of the ICCCM
(Inter-Client Communication Manual), which is at:

See especially section 2.6.1. Thank you for listening; If I can get
som time to read your code I will try to help out with implementation.

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