Re: Can't compile from CVS - strange error

Shaw Terwilliger (
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 15:15:45 -0500

David Grill Watson wrote:
> First of all, just so you know, I've checked out all the stuff, including wv.
> The problem is this: it goes through compiling all sorts of stuff, but gives me
> this error [newlines added as necessary]:
> make[4]: *** No rule to make target
> `/usr/src/abi/abi/src/Linux_2.2.10-ac12_i386_OBJ/obj/libAbi_libwv.a', needed
> by `/usr/src/abi/abi/src/Linux_2.2.10-ac12_i386_OBJ/bin/AbiWord_d'. Stop.
> I have all of the CVS stuff in /usr/src/abi, with the main abiword source in
> /usr/src/abi/abi.
> I'm using Debian, and I've installed mswordview (with apt-get) to do some other
> stuff with - this could be a problem, I'm really not sure. At any rate, I have
> the CVS version of libwv compiled and installed. I'm really not sure what the
> problem is - looks like the makefile has some probs.

About all I can suggest is to make sure you've got the directory
structures laid out right so our Makefiles can find wv, etc.
It sounds like you do, though.


And a build from within "someworkfolder/abi/" should find
everything fine. You might try doing an update of the
abi and wv trees ("cvs update -d abi wv") to get any Makefile
changes that might have happened recently, or you might
try checking them all out again if you have the bandwidth.

Shaw Terwilliger

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