Re: Thanks!

Paul Rohr (
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 14:11:19 -0700

At 11:52 PM 7/29/99 +0400, Cyril Y. Nickonorov wrote:
>Hello to all AbiWord team, and to all developers. And thank you
>very much for the very promising product.

You're quite welcome. :-)

>With a little effort I managed to compile and run AbiWord on my Solaris
>SPARCstation and this is only the one wordprocessor which works
>correctly with my cyrillic Type1 fonts.

Our design goal for the project has been that the software should Just Work,
so we're always glad to hear how close we're getting to that goal. None of
us have ever tried cyrillic fonts, so it's especially gratifying to know
that they do in fact work.

You said it took "a little effort" to get it compiling and running. Are
there any patches you want to submit so that it'll work more smoothly for
you the next time? If so, here's the place to send them.

>I wish this version is not the last and new features will appear in
>new release.

This project is very much alive, and new features continue to be added with
each release. (Expect a new one shortly.)

>As for my point of view, it will be great to see
>tables support and text justify option.

It sure would. As with any Open Source project, it's difficult to predict
when specific features will get added, because that depends on the
interests, skills, and time commitments of developers around the world. Of
course, the fastest way to get a particular feature added is to either
submit the necessary patches, or bribe a developer. :-)

We're always glad to steer people to the relevant portions of the codebase
and give advice on how to add features we haven't had time to implement yet.


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