commit -- L10N strings in dialogs, infinite loop in TopRuler

Jeff Hostetler (
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 11:12:46 -0500

i just checked in stuff to deal with L10N problems (string garbage)
we were seeing various dialogs. if the string file contains only
chars <256, it should appear fine. for strings with chars >255, i
had to substitute a '@' char -- this is a restriction with GTK/Win32
widget code (or my understanding of it :-)

i added some WARNING messages to check for these substitutions when
the string file is loaded. if you're maintaining a translation, grab
an updated copy and grep the debug log for "WARNING" messages. Thanks.

also, i added a fix for the infinite loop problem in the TopRuler
based upon a debug dump from Arcady Genkin <>.
thanks. i think this closes #505.


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