contest -- how many AbiWord 0.7.0 downloads?

Paul Rohr (
Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:16:13 -0700

While we're busy wrapping up loose ends for the upcoming AbiWord 0.7.1
release, it's time for everyone to post their answers to the following
question from the 0.7.0 release announcement.

At 02:59 PM 5/19/99 -0700, I wrote:
>We're pleased as punch to announce that, for the first time, you can use
>AbiWord *without* having to compile it yourself. After over 16,000 source
>downloads (from over 9,000 unique hosts), we're eager to see how much
>interest there is in binary versions of AbiWord. Any guesses? We've been
>averaging about 1000 source downloads a week for the past month, so interest
>is really picking up. :-)

Contest rules:
1. The number you're trying to match is the total number of 0.7.0 downloads
(source + binary) as of the moment I send the official release 0.7.1

2. As long-time Monty Hall fans, we'll follow "The Price is Right" rules --
the person whose guess comes the closest, without going over, wins.

3. Winner receives a "Show Me the Source!" t-shirt, as sold on our Website:

4. No, you don't have to buy anything to win. :-)

5. One entry per person, posted to either the abiword-dev or abiword-user
mailing list, before I send the release announcement.

6. For those of you attempting to ballot-stuff in more creative ways, one
download per person, please. Getting all your friends and neighbors to
download and try AbiWord is a valid way of tilting the odds in your favor.
Repeatedly downloading and throwing away copies of your own is NOT.

7. Anyone who's ever had an email address is not eligible to
participate in the contest. Neither are their immediate family members.
(Sorry, Mom.)

8. Any ambiguity in these rules will be resolved by Abi, whose decisions
are final. Have you ever tried to bribe an ant?

9. Jokes and jeers about the sheer cheesiness of contests like this
will be ignored. :-)

Contest hints:
1. The stats quoted above include all source downloads since we originally
shipped 0.1.0 last August. A more complete release history is online at:

2. Our download counts spike every time we get lots of press attention:

3. We have T1 connectivity to the Web. Don't assume we can violate the
laws of physics.

4. As always, we won't ship 0.7.1 until it's ready. It's getting late, so
we're unlikely to release today. Probably Monday instead, but no promises.



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