question re: keybindings
Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:05:31 -0700 (PDT)

I just downloaded a copy of AbiWord 0.7.1, and I have to say, it looks
outstanding. Feels like a very well done word processor, and seems
stable (if not quite finished). Keep up the good work. I did have a
question though:

Is there any mechanism for using an alternate set of keybindings
existing or planned? I personally find it difficult to use a program
that doesn't support emacs-style key bindings...when I hit <ctrl>-f,
for example, I want to go forward a character, not get the find
dialog. I assume because the widget set is GTK, all of the menu items
will be easy to rebind to key combos of the user's choice, but what of
the rest? Word Perfect # (whatever the most recent version for Linux
is...8?) has a facility for this (albeit an annoying to use one).
Optionally configurable emacs and vi style editing modes/keybindings
would probably be immensely useful for most people who use one or both
of these two packages.

Anyway, other than that, it seems fantastic.

Matt C. Anderson	email:
DigiPen Webmaster
                        phone:  available upon request (probably)

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