Re: AbiWord bug #469

Shaw Terwilliger (
Wed, 16 Jun 1999 13:07:27 -0500

Alan Robertson wrote:
> Here's the sequence of problems:
> I had an original letter which had a problem printing -- twice
> I stripped it down to the signature -- which printed the same way
> I sent you this signature-only document
> I came back to look at it in response to your mail -- the short
> signature
> works fine now. I can't find the long document any more ?
> Close the ticket. I'll let you know if it recurs -- and I'll save the
> PostScript.

I've seen this problem, and I can partially reproduce the one you
had (but not with total overstrike, just missing spaces). The
problem seems to be where the layout engine knows it needs to
start a new run in the middle of a line. The length of the previous
run on that line is too short, so it starts a new run prematurely.
I'm not sure what's causing this error.

The problem would show up if you had typed a document and then
simply printed it. When you save a document to disk, however,
all the runs are merged into larger chunks. Each span of text
with all attributes but character code the same (font,
size, weight, strike, underline are same) gets merged into
a single run.

If you open this document back up, the break is no longer there in
the middle of the line. The problem goes away.

Shaw Terwilliger

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