That's EASY!

Robert Sievers (
Thu, 17 Jun 1999 17:24:57 -0500

As we drive toward 1.0, one of the items on the itinerary will be to make
the code more stable. Currently, bugzilla has >120 bugs listed. Now, we
don't have to fix them all, but we do have to fix some of them. The Open
Source model has proven itself time and again, and I don't want AbiWord to
be the exception.

There are some really nasty ones to tackle, and Jeff, Shaw, Matt, and Paul
have been doing so. There are some bugs out there, though, that would be
SO easy to fix it's embarrassing. With the new getopt additions from
Ming-I Hsieh, #224 and #250 jump to mind. For someone wanting to dig a
little in the editor, #406 should be an easy one to tackle.

Remember, any bug with an assignment is up for grabs if you
want to squash it. Just click on the bug number, and reassign it to you.

Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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