Re: directory structure

Matt Kimball (
Fri, 18 Jun 1999 19:49:01 -0600

On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 11:17:58AM -0500, Shaw Terwilliger wrote:
> Tree navigation is probably the first obstacle; we've got a very
> layered project tree which lets us keep our classes in order for
> cross application frame- work code, WP (word processor) application
> code, and platforms at each level (xp == cross platform, unix, beos,
> win32, mac). Swinging through the tree takes some time but soon you
> should be able to get around to the layer you need.

I've been wondering a bit about this. Are there some guidelines as to
where to put new packages?

Hypothetically speaking, if someone write some classes to draw vector
graphics to some xp pixmap class, and then another set of classes to
parse and render SVG using those drawing classes, where would one
stuff this type of thing? As another top-level directory in the
source tree?

Matt Kimball, who is *very* slowly moving forward

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