Re: commit -- Re: [patch] bug #6

Robert Sievers (
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 13:47:39 -0500

>is the case where you have:
> stuff).
> stuff."
>The cursor stops before the end paren in the first example, but
>not at the period. The cursor stops at the period in the second
>example, but not the end quote.
>This seems perfectly reasonable to me, though.

This is exactly how a word processor should behave when using
control-arrow. The algorthm is that any puncuation stops the cursor, but
when punctuation is 'doubled up' as in ').' or '."' the rest of the
punctuation is skipped.

Let's see, 7 line patch, 1 bug fixed on all three platforms. Something
tells Richard will hold this record for a while.


Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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