potential high-value project -- margins

Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Fri, 25 Jun 1999 19:12:12 -0700

I've noticed that we've had a few new coders recently looking for a good way
to get introduced to the codebase (hi, Todd and Ove!), so here's a meaty
little feature we've been getting a lot of requests for recently:

Allow folks to change the margins.

To begin with, take a look at how paragraph margins are currently
manipulated, by grepping through the src/wp and src/text subtrees. (Or, you
could look at the tabstop code, since they're quite similar.) Essentially,
what happens is the user drags around a widget on the ruler, and under the
hood we use that to adjust the corresponding block-level property
("margin-left", "margin-right", "tabstops", etc.).

Currently, the top and left rulers display narrow gray bars at the document
margins, which could also be dragged around to reset the corresponding
section-level properties ("page-margin-left", "page-margin-top", etc.).

This should be a fairly straightforward way to introduce yourself to some of
the interactions between the UI and the underlying formatting logic. It's
all XP code, so you'd have the instant gratification of getting the feature
working on all three platforms simultaneously.

Any takers?


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