bug #322 (Windows-only)

Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Mon, 01 Mar 1999 13:43:16 -0800

If you're having trouble getting the 0.5.0 zipfiles to build out of the box
on Windows, see the following bug:


Two workarounds -- either rename the abi-0.5.0 directory to abi, or just
move the libpng and zlib libraries into the 0.5.0 tree.

How embarrassing. We debated sneaking out another set of 0.5.0 tarballs with
the necessary fix, but trigger-happy folks have already downloaded it, so we
decided to let it stand.


PS: No, we *won't* be walking around LinuxWorld with bags on our heads.
It's not *that* embarrassing. :-)

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