AbiWord 0.5.0

Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Mon, 01 Mar 1999 13:17:15 -0800

It's official!

In honor of LinuxWorld, we're pleased as punch to announce that AbiWord
0.5.0 is now available for your compiling pleasure.

If you've been keeping in touch via anonymous CVS and Bonsai, you've
probably already seen all the cool stuff in this release. For dedicated
tarball/zipfile devotees, here are a few post-0.3.4 highlights:

1. Additional ruler coolness, especially margins, column gaps, and tabs.

2. Menus now display their associated keybindings.

3. Integrated patches from:

- Pierre Sarrazin <ps@cam.org> (case-insensitive find & replace)
- kstailey@kstailey.tzo.com (OpenBSD build settings)

4. Added reminder dialogs for unimplemented menu items.

5. And in general, just tightened things up a bunch for the show. :-)

For anyone who thought 0.3.0 back in December needed a lot of work, and
hasn't rebuild since then, here's a more comprehensive list of what's been
done in the mean time:


Or just skim the summaries on the download page:


All in all, this is shaping up to be a *very* nice little word processor,
and we're looking forward to how much better it's going to continue to get
over the next few months. :-)



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