Re: Update: Comping 0.50

John Brewer (
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 12:43:40 -0800

At 06:42 AM 3/10/99 , Eric W. Sink wrote:
>WHY does nametab.h not get built properly on certain
>[ otherwise quite functional ] UNIX systems?

Utterly random guess:

Are some people trying to build this in an IDE? Most IDEs I've seen just
take all the code and build one binary. They aren't real good at "compile
this, run it to generate this file, and add its output to the tree."

If this is the case, just running "make" once would solve everything.
After the initial "make" you could use your IDE happily until the next time
you blew away the sources.

John Brewer
Jera Design

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