Abiword crashes due to font problem is Solwed

Martin Willemoes Hansen (martin_w_hansen@my-dejanews.com)
Thu, 11 Mar 1999 09:28:05 -0000

Hi Abi's!

I found out why Abiword crashed on my system. I had
all the fonts installed the x server could find em
and the abiword variable was set and all, but it still

The problem was that I didnt have the 100/75dpi fonts
set to not unscaled. When I removed the unscaled from
em it worked right away :-) Maybe this problem will
come again so remember the solution ;)

Btw something which anoys me about AbiWord is that the
binary is AbiWord and now abiword. heh but thats just
my apenion.

Keep up the super good work, when abi reaches 1.0 ill
let my dad use GNU :-)

Best regards

Martin Willemoes Hansen

E-Mail martin_w_hansen@my-dejanews.com
IRC Dr_nick | irc.stampede.org #stampede
ICQ 11597690

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