commit -- font speedups

Shaw Terwilliger (
Sun, 14 Mar 1999 01:51:50 -0600

I took a good look at the Unix font engine and primitive
stuff and redid quite a bit of stuff, and caught a silly
error in one of my loops while I was at it.

We have have an AP_UnixFontXLFD class which is pretty much
an object with individually accessable properties for
each field, and it can build/set itself from XLFD strings.
It's not very exiting, but it's a bit of welcome abstraction
when you're dealing with those strings down deep.

That loop error I was talking about was causing an
actual XLFD string build and lookup to take place
on each reference of a font. The way it was supposed
to work was each reference of a specific family of a
certain point size would incurr a new XLFD lookup, and
those results would be cached per point size. It
now works that way and things are significantly snappier
here, but maybe it's only because I've been staring at it
all day long. :)

Shaw Terwilliger

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