commit - emacs key bidings
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 16:12:53 -0600

I've just checked in a subset of emacs key bindings (the ones that made
sense for AbiWord). To enable the key bindings you will have to:
Create a new "Scheme" in ~/.abiword and name it something other than
"_builtin_". Change the "Keybindings" attribute from "default" to
"emacs", and change your <Select> scheme to be your new scheme. If you
find some bindings that should be there and aren't, feel free to take a
look at the key tables in:


and add them in.


CVS: Modified Files:
CVS: ev/unix/ev_UnixKeyboard.cpp ev/xp/ev_Keyboard.cpp
CVS: ev/xp/ev_NamedVirtualKey.h wp/ap/Makefile wp/ap/xp/Makefile
CVS: wp/ap/xp/ap_LoadBindings.cpp xap/xp/xap_Prefs.h
CVS: Added Files:
CVS: wp/ap/xp/ap_LB_Emacs.cpp wp/ap/xp/ap_LB_Emacs.h
CVS: wp/ap/xp/ap_LB_EmacsCtrlX.cpp wp/ap/xp/ap_LB_EmacsCtrlX.h
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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