PC Week: Microsoft exec dissects Linux's 'weak value proposition'

Walt DuBose - PKAP (wdubose@www.kelly-afb.org)
Wed, 17 Mar 1999 14:35:22 -0600 (CST)

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In the URL below,


Mr Muth of Microsoft makes several questionable comments/statements.

However, I think he makes one that is in fact true. He said...

"First, a broad base of support for applications -- especially
off-the-shelf, shrink-wrapped applications -- is necessary for a modern
operating system, he said. "

Unless a Linux distribution can offer a full blown office suite with its
distribution, I don't think Linux will ever make it to the government
(federal, state or local) desktop let alone a small business or the home


| Walter "Walt" D. DuBose |
| SA-ALC/PKA Web Site (B200) |
| Systems Manager/Webmaster |
| wdubose@www.kelly-afb.org |
| Telephone: (210)925-9311 |
| Ext 3408 |
| DSN 945-9311 |
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