commit -- Unix font dialog string changes and encoding

Shaw Terwilliger (
Mon, 22 Mar 1999 01:59:07 -0600

It seems like all I do these days is mess with that Unix font
dialog, doesn't it? :) I read Drazen Kacar's message about
encoding schemes and decided I should really put in a combo for it.
Right now it doesn't actually do anything, but it will soon, and
while I was messing around there I pulled out the strings to the common
strings table for xap stuff.

Here's how I'm planning on doing the encoding selection,
so someone tell me if this either isn't going to work or
if there's a better way to do it. I'm planning on
simply pulling out the encoding field from the XLFDs
in the fonts.dir (that's what the field is for, anyway).
I guess I'll then just make user-friendly names for common
sets ("Latin 1", "Latin 2", "Cyrillic", "Greek", etc.). My
uncertainty is about mapping those user-friendly names
to actual encodings. Will there always be a 1:1 mapping
of, say, "Latin 1" to "iso-8859-1"? Will "Greek" always
fall into, say "iso-8859-5", or will there be different
flavors of local languages spread across different
ISO encodings?

Shaw Terwilliger

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