Re: MultiLanguage

Eric W. Sink (
Tue, 23 Mar 1999 09:20:34 -0600

AbiWord is being designed with the goal of facilitating the
future implementation of support for any language. However,
its multilingual abilities right now are basically

Since you asked about Hebrew specifically, I should point out
that this language is not likely to be one of the first ones
to get done, unless a motivated expert from the community
should surface. :-) Proper handling of Hebrew in a word
processor is not at all simple.

I am not aware of any open source office suite which handles


> I'm new with linux. I would like to know if your program is or will support > other languages such as Hebrew. If the answer is a negative one are you > familiar with any Office Suit that does? > > Please send answer to

Eric W. Sink, Software Craftsman

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