commit -- preference mechanism improvements

Jeff Hostetler (
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 11:23:37 -0600


[1] added UnixFontPath to the preferences file.
[2] eliminated ABIWORD_FONTPATH environment variable.
[3] pulled {XAP,AP}_PREFS_{KEY,DEFAULT}_* out of
{xap,ap}_Prefs.h and into their own header
file {xap,ap}_Prefs_SchemeIds.h.
[4] Simplified builtin table construction in ap_Prefs.cpp
[5] Changed prefs exporter to only write unique values for Schemes.
[6] Changed prefs lookup to automatically fall-back to
builtin set if a value is not present in the current scheme.
[7] Added UT_strcmp() and UT_XML_strcmp() functions.

probably the most significant are items [1,2].
if it doesn't find your fonts now, add


to your "custom" (not _builtin_) scheme
and try again.


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