Re: 0.5.2 tarball

Steve Ratcliffe (
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 16:54:47 GMT

> As far as we know, no one is working on an HTML importer
> for AbiWord.
> The core team here at AbiSource doesn't have much interest
> in this particular feature, actually. Here's why:
> 1. Importing HTML into a word processor is hard.

> 2. Very hard. [ ... ]

> 3. Really hard. [ ... ]

I'm not being funny, but I don't understand this argument. Lots of
things are hard; i18n is hard and yet you are still going to do it.

> 4. Writing an interoperable HTML implementation is not fun.

I can understand that doing the same thing that you have done before is
not fun. But doesn't it still need to be done by someone who doesn't
bear the scars?

Since you can write a document out as html you should at the very least
be able to read it back in again.


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