Re: commit -- handling win32 WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE

Paul Rohr (
Tue, 30 Mar 1999 10:45:50 -0800

At 12:01 PM 3/30/99 -0600, Jeff Hostetler wrote:
>i'm not sure if we want to handle it on the rulers
>and the document window or not...

I would have guessed no, but then I tried W97 with a bunch of schemes,
including Marine (high color) and especially High Contrast Black. :-)

Three caveats:

1. Some scheme switches change widget sizes, which means we probably need
to repack the frame widgets, too. This gets fixed as soon as we resize, so
it should be easy.

2. We're missing the necessary black-for-white swap when rendering the
toolbar art against a black background. Is this just a missing rebar
setting, or will we have to reload the XPM?

3. I'm not sure what we'd use for a scheme-driven selection color. I hope
we can come up with something reasonable, because switching to XOR
selections sucks.

Or, if we decide to follow Web browser precedents and keep the document
contents black on white, I wouldn't mind.


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