commit -- Unix file open/save types

Shaw Terwilliger (
Tue, 30 Mar 1999 15:16:29 -0600

I've added a list of recognized file types to the Unix
file open/save dialog. It's labeled "open file as type"
because that's what it does--it's not a filter. If
something other than "Auto Detect" is selected, AbiWord
will open the user's document as the type selected
in the list, and if it fails, it fails. It's a way
to "force" a document type where file extensions may
not be reliable (as is often the case on Unix where
extensions don't mean much).

Adding filters probably won't happen really soon.
Gtk's file dialog already supports them. Just type
a filter into the selection entry and hit enter,
and it will show you the files you want. Tab completion
works there too, of course.

You will probably need a full rebuild, at least of
the xap tree, because of the way the string IDs got
shifted around for new GUI elements.

Shaw Terwilliger

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