Re: .7.6

Leonard Rosenthol (
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 14:12:55 -0500

At 12:10 PM -0600 11/1/99, Justin Bradford wrote:
>ImageMagick has code for quite a few formats, but it also depends on
>libraries for some formats. They are listed here:
>This includes JPEG, TIFF, MPEG, CGM, and WMF (using Caolan's library).

True, and that's a good thing. libJPEG (from the IJPEG
group), libTIFF, etc. are all well debugged and easier to use as is
that to rewrite.

>The GIF decoding (which isn't covered by that patent, right?) can be taken
>straight out of Magick, as well as many of the other formats.

You don't have to license stuff from Unisys to decode GIF...

>For most of these things, it's just going to require minor modification of
>the Magick code to output to the internal AbiWord image structure (which I
>currently know nothing about).

I might be easier to switch AbiWord's internal structure to
ImageMagick's - or an extended version thereof.

>I think we can GPL the code (sublicense), as long as we put this copyright
>at the top of the source files. Any lawyers present?
Should work, and if there are any questions, I know Christy
and I'm sure he'd be willing to work out any specifics....


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