Re: Bug #232, somebody deserves credit

Paul Rohr (
Tue, 02 Nov 1999 17:00:31 -0800

At 08:16 PM 10/26/99 -0500, Robert Sievers wrote:
>232 Spaces should not be allowed at the beginning of a line
>I think this bug has been fixed. Bruce, did you fix this when you added
>full justification?

Yep, he did. I think there may still be one related bug, though. It's been
a while since I checked, but I believe as of his last patch, extra spaces at
the end of a line affect the justification algorithm instead of being

To see this, justify a sizable paragraph, then start adding spaces at the
end of the line. (Since Bugzilla's temporarily down, I haven't checked to
see if this behavior ever got logged.)


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