commit -- options dialog

Stephen Hack (
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 00:13:15 -0600

This is the combined commit of the last few patches (only feature, no bug
fixes) that I've mail out over the past few days.

New features:
'has numberic' option is now functional. When selected, any word that
contains a number is not spell checked. When not selected, I fall
back on the logic of if the first character is a number, ignore it.

**** How does word handle this exactly?

Save tab number between calls to the options dialog

Added internationalization code

Add the ability to change the units that the ruler is displayed in.
Currently, only in, cm and pixels are enabled (just recently have I found
out what PI stands for)

Enabled the AutoSave tab

Enabled the defaults button - currently resets everything but the current
notebook tab that you're on.


Files changed:

M text/fmt/xp/fl_BlockLayout.cpp
M wp/ap/beos/ap_BeOSDialog_Options.cpp
M wp/ap/beos/ap_BeOSDialog_Options.h
M wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_Options.cpp
M wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_Options.h
M wp/ap/win/ap_Win32Dialog_Options.cpp
M wp/ap/win/ap_Win32Dialog_Options.h
M wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_Options.cpp
M wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_Options.h
M wp/ap/xp/ap_LeftRuler.cpp
M wp/ap/xp/ap_LeftRuler.h
M wp/ap/xp/ap_Prefs_SchemeIds.h
M wp/ap/xp/ap_String_Id.h
M wp/ap/xp/ap_TopRuler.cpp
M wp/ap/xp/ap_TopRuler.h


Any questions, you know where to reach me.


BTW, this does compile on Unix NP. On BeOS and Win32, I've attempted to stub
all the new virtual functions, so hopefully... :>

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