AbiSource is MOVING!

Shaw Terwilliger (sterwill@postman.sourcegear.com)
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 19:44:12 -0600

Well, not really. The AbiSource project materials are scheduled
to undergo a move to a new, faster server machine tonight. Every
project resource (CVS, mail, web, etc.) will be down for some time
during the move.

Until midnight tonight, I ask everyone to NOT submit any messages
to the mailing lists or personal addresses, to refrain from checking
in anything to any of our CVS repositories, and refrain from using

All of these services should be back up by midnight tonight (September
24, 1999, 00:00:00). Hopefully, the move will be completed before
before midnight.

I'll send a message to abiword-dev and abiword-user after the move
is complete.

Shaw Terwilliger

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