GNOME integration

Fri, 08 Oct 1999 22:23:04 +0200

I've made a little hack for make a GNOME version of Abiword (look at
<> for screenshots of the different
dialog boxs).

All the code that I've made is in the unix brach, closed by #ifdef
statements... It's not very nice, but it works. Do you have any idea
of the best way for include my code in Abiword? Maybe a gnome directory
(like the unix/ win/ beos/ and mac/ ones)?

What do you think of all that?

Ah... I've made the changes in the 0.7.5 source tree... for some reason
my two days old CVS version segfaults at startup (rh60 and gtk 1.2.3),
and my recent update (5 minutes old) refuses to compile (it stops at the
wv point... in the ie_imp_MsWord_97.cpp at line 99 exactly).

P.S.: Sorry my bad english

Joaquín Cuenca Abela

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