Re: commit -- fixed build

Thomas Fletcher (
Fri, 8 Oct 1999 08:18:19 -0400

On Thu, 7 Oct 1999, Paul Rohr wrote:

> At 08:06 AM 10/6/99 -0400, Thomas Fletcher wrote:
> >I'll be back up and running this weekend,
> >at which time I hope to implement all of these great
> >new dialogs.
> Cool. :-)

Sooner than anticipated. Downloaded the latest CVS build last
night and looks like I've got some new warnings to investigate.
Other than that looks like the build succeeded ... more on
that below.

> PS: If you hadn't noticed, Bob Sievers ran across a bunch of cool BeOS
> screenshots on the following site:
> Unfortunately, they highlight pretty prominently that the Be version shows
> the wrong accelerators for menu items. (I logged this as bug 570 a while
> back in response to an email on this list, and then promptly forgot about
> it.) For example, see the justify submenu on this page:

I don't think that the accelerators are being mapped properly
because I believe that that field is being ignored and the
default accelerator is being auto generated from the text
of the menu.

The other bad news is that last night was my first complete
build in a while and I got among other things the new
"flashing" cursor. While a neat preference (can't wait
until we have a preferences dialog so I can turn it off,
my particular taste is for no flashing cursor), it quickly
highlighted a problem with my timer class ... I'm surprised
that it didn't come up sooner. In any case, for the time
being I'm going to have to check in a timer class that doesn't
work so that people don't always end up with crashes. This
sucks since it will in turn disable the spell checking.

It looks like the bulk of the problem is that putting the
timer fire code in a seperate thread is a little too asynchronous
for the Abi framework, and that when dialogs are put up,
they don't first stop existing timers. This is likely one
of these BeOS specific problems, like modal windows, that
will need some sort of "interesting" work around.

In other good news, I put together three new dialogs last
night -- Font Selector, Zoom and Spelling --- based on
the last screenshots that were posted. I'll hopefully
put the code in to support those within the next week.

Feels good to be working on the project again.

Thomas (toe-mah) Fletcher QNX Software Systems Neutrino Development Group

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