Re: edit | options ...

Shaw Terwilliger (
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 23:26:13 -0500

Paul Rohr wrote:
> At 10:47 PM 10/12/99 -0500, Stephen Hack wrote:
> >Is there a plan or idea on where the &'s are going to be supported?
> I don't know whether or how to get GTK dialogs to actually use these
> accelerators. If they just need to be converted to some other character
> (say underscores), that'd be easy. However, I suspect it'll be more work
> than that.

I'm doing that because, as far as I can remember, it's really not GTK
convention (not that it couldn't be done) to add accelerators to every
widget on the dialog. Arrow keys let users navigate around them.

Menus receive direct acclerators (which I implemented), like GNOME
applications and some other GTK applications that have done similar.

All this convention might have changed in the GTK 1.2 series, but sometime
near 1.0 I don't ever remember being able to add accelerator tags
(underlined text) to labels/togglebuttons/etc.

Shaw Terwilliger

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