patch - options dialog

Stephen Hack (
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 01:57:30 -0500

Well, I have a rough working copy of the Options dialog.

options.diff a cvs diff -c >options.diff from the abi/src directory
options.tar all the new files to be added from the abi/src directory

What this patch currently can do:
* Pull up the options dialog
* Allow you to change the Auto Check as you Type options
- all the other check boxes do not do anything yet
* Save the auto spell check in the PrefSchemes. If there is a current
scheme besides _builtin_, then it will add it, otherwise, it'll create
a new one (user_prefs)

What it does NOT do, yet:
* Actually change the auto check functionallity, but it will save it to
the preferences file for the next time that Abiword is loaded
* I don't have access to a Win32/BeOS machine so I can't test (compile)
the win32 code. I don't know if it will work, but it *should*

Currently, I force a save of the preferences. (if not autosave, then save
now) Should not be in there in the long run, but should add the
options|Preferences tab soon (probably next)

* Add a call back feature to the preferences so the appropriate sections
of code can be notified when a preference has changed
* Add a new tab page -
undo Ignore/Un-Ignore
re-Check now
Toolbars ?
Auto Save
Save Now
Toolbar (or should this be like the toolbars|customize... dlg?
LabelSet ?
Layouts ?


Less research... More sleep...

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