Introduce myself
Sun, 17 Oct 1999 02:53:10 EDT

Hi all -- I want to get involved with abiword development. I have been coding
cross-platform c++ with a Unix box on my desk for almost ten years but I have
just gotten seriously interested in Linux in the last few weeks. And I am
kicking myself for not getting involved before. I am mostly a dev manager
type these days and I am itching to cut code again instead of spending all
day telling everybody else how to have fun. I am hiding behind an aol screen
name just in case someone in the rather large software company I work for
happens to run into any work I do here and I have to waste time explaining
that there is no conflict of interest (there is none) to some over-achiever
in the legal department. I am going to spend a little time playing with the
app and looking over the code before I take anything on, but I wanted to
introduce myself.
I have chosen to work on a word processor for three reasons, first because it
is such an important app on the desktop. Linux is dead on the desktop without
a good one. Second because there is no conflict of interest with my day job.
Don't get me wrong, I love the much maligned company I work for, Computer
Associates, I don't mind saying. But life is hard enough without teasing the
legal department. My third reason, is that I work in the heart of the beast,
Redmond, and I am tired of the junk passing for software that comes from the
campus on 156th. You can bad mouth CA all you want -- we are not perfect by
any means-- but I hope our support has never told anyone to reformat their
disk and reinstall GA software after a blue screen. Now, I hope never to
mention my employer again.
Enough talk. Next time I will latch on to some real work and leave the
politics to marketing.
Wild donkey.

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