commit -- custom dictionary

Paul Rohr (
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 07:07:07 -0700

Added minimal custom dictionary support so Add context menu will work.
Ditto for the Add button in the Spelling dialog. Changed API for several
Ignore All methods to avoid an extra calloc per word checked.

M src/af/xap/Makefile
M src/af/xap/xp/Makefile
M src/af/xap/xp/xad_Document.cpp
M src/af/xap/xp/xad_Document.h
M src/af/xap/xp/xap_App.cpp
M src/af/xap/xp/xap_App.h
A src/af/xap/xp/xap_Dictionary.cpp
A src/af/xap/xp/xap_Dictionary.h
M src/text/fmt/xp/fl_BlockLayout.cpp
M src/text/fmt/xp/fv_View.cpp
M src/text/fmt/xp/fv_View.h
M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_Spell.cpp
M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_Spell.h
M src/wp/ap/xp/ap_EditMethods.cpp

Added UT_catPathname function.

M src/af/util/beos/ut_BeOSString.cpp
M src/af/util/unix/ut_unixString.cpp
M src/af/util/win/ut_Win32String.cpp
M src/af/util/xp/ut_string.h

Squash 'em as you find 'em.

M src/wp/impexp/xp/ie_exp.cpp
M src/wp/impexp/xp/ie_imp_UTF8.cpp

In the yet-another-pre-0.7.6-sneakin category, I've added support for a
single custom dictionary. Right now, it's hardwired to use the file
custom.dic in the same directory where your AbiWord.profile is located. (If
you don't have one, it'll create one when needed.)

Note that the file contents are stored as plain text in UTF8 format -- one
word per line -- which means the list is editable with any Unicode-enabled
text editor. (Plus which, the fact that it's UTF-8 means that cheaters who
only use ASCII languages can get away with murder here.)

Hmm, Jeff added plain text importers and exporters for UTF8 yesterday. Any
guesses what the UI for editing the contents of custom dictionaries will
eventually be? ;-)



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