Build error in wv CVS

Moses DeJong (
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 10:50:54 -0500 (CDT)

Hi all.

I just tried to build wv and I got this error.

gcc -O2 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./expat/xmlparse -I./oledecod -I./
-DHTMLCONFIG=\"/usr/local/lib/wv/wvHtml.xml\" -c ./roman.c
make: *** No rule to make target `doc_limits.o', needed by `libwv.a'.

I see no file named doc_limits.c

mo(~/project/wv)% find . -name doc_limits.c

I removed the line for doc_limits.o in the Makefile
and that seemed to "fix" things, but I am not sure
what the correct fix is for this problem is.

It then compiled an tried to link but gave me this error.

o expat/xmltok/xmltok.o expat/xmltok/xmlrole.o
ranlib libwv.a
gcc -o wvSummary wvSummary.o -L. -lwv -lz -lXpm -L/usr/X11R6/lib
-lX11 -l
gcc -O2 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./expat/xmlparse -I./oledecod -I./
/local/lib/wv/ttf\" -DXMLCONFIG=\"/usr/local/lib/wv/wvConfig.xml\"
\"/usr/local/lib/wv/wvHtml.xml\" -c ./wvHtml.c
gcc -o wvHtml wvHtml.o -L. -lwv -lz -lXpm -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
wvHtml.o: In function `mySpecCharProc':
wvHtml.o(.text+0x789): undefined reference to `wvConvertSymbolToUnicode'
./libwv.a(wvConfig.o): In function `exstartElement':
wvConfig.o(.text+0x3f49): undefined reference to `wvTwipsToMM'
wvConfig.o(.text+0x3fa5): undefined reference to `wvTwipsToMM'
wvConfig.o(.text+0x4001): undefined reference to `wvTwipsToMM'
wvConfig.o(.text+0x4059): undefined reference to `wvTwipsToMM'
wvConfig.o(.text+0x40f9): undefined reference to `wvTwipsToMM'
./libwv.a(wvConfig.o)(.text+0x4145): more undefined references to
./libwv.a(wvConfig.o): In function `exstartElement':
wvConfig.o(.text+0x41aa): undefined reference to `wvPointsToMM'
wvConfig.o(.text+0x41de): undefined reference to `wvPointsToMM'
wvConfig.o(.text+0x4205): undefined reference to `wvTwipsToMM'
wvConfig.o(.text+0x4223): undefined reference to `wvTwipsToMM'
wvConfig.o(.text+0x4260): undefined reference to `wvTwipsToHPixels'
wvConfig.o(.text+0x4278): undefined reference to `wvTwipsToVPixels'
make: *** [wvHtml] Error 1

Any ideas?

I hope that helps
Mo DeJong

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