Re: help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul Rohr (
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 10:18:38 -0700

At 05:42 PM 10/20/99 -0700, Dave Seelman wrote:


<excerpt>I need help! Every time, when I'm in Abiword, when I hit "Format
then Bullets and Styles," This message pops up: Bullets and Numbers
dialog not implemented yet. Add code in ap_EditMethods.ccp, line 3533 and
mail patches to:! What should I do?


Since you're about the twentieth person who's asked that question, I need

*your* help rewording that message so you (and others like you)

it. :-)

the long version


AbiWord is pre-release software. The version number (0.7.6) means that

everything works yet. In particular, the dialog you want has not been

implemented yet. It doesn't exist, because nobody has written the code

it yet.

Considering how much you probably paid for the software, this shouldn't

bother you, right?

However, AbiWord *is* Open Source software, which means that any

on the planet can take the source code, and add that feature before we

time to do it ourselves. As a convenience to those programmers, we tell

them exactly where that code should be added.

the short version


Bullets and numbers dialog not implemented yet.

If you are a programmer, feel free to add code in ap_EditMethods.cpp,

3765 and mail patches to:

Otherwise, please be patient.

please help


As you can see, I tried improving that message a bit for 0.7.6, but I'm

still not happy with it. Can you think of a good *short* way to explain

situation to somebody else like you, so they're not confused either?



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