Re: Using other language?

Paul Rohr (
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:25:45 -0700

At 04:50 PM 10/22/99 +0300, Jarmo Karvonen wrote:
>Old version find finnish strings, but new 0.7.6 don't??

You may want to recheck your Abiword.profile to make sure it's still got
your settings in it. If so, then we may have a new bug.

If not, then you've probably encountered another known bug, which I just
logged as #612.

>Can you put EnUS.strings to strings directory??
>It helps to translate!!
>(I have new translation, but i like to test it first)

If you use the -dumpstrings command-line argument, it should generate a
complete, up-to-date EnUS.strings file in whatever directory AbiWord's

(Because these are dumped directly from the builtin strings, it can't get
out of sync, whereas a copy stored in CVS could.)

>DaDK, DuNL, ItIT, DeDE, EsES and NoNO don't
>have translation on Spell strings!!
>(Howto organice this?)

Yep. It's getting to be time for all of the translators to update their
translations. If the translators are on Linux, this shouldn't be too hard,
since AbiWord will spit out console messages for all untranslated menus,
toolbars, and/or strings. (I'm not sure what we'll do for translators
running Windows builds, though.)


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