Bug cluster - Paragraph dialog

Robert Sievers (bob@abisource.com)
Sun, 24 Oct 1999 23:38:24 -0500

The following are all of the bugs relating to the paragraph dialog. Shaw
is going to be nailing these early this week. If you find any more, make
sure to log 'em or send us mail.

592 Once spacing is set in the paragraph dialog to multiple lines, you can
never chnage it again.
593 Negative line spacing should not be allowed in paragraph dialog
594 Paragraph dialog behaves incosistantly for multiple paragraphs with
different alignment
605 TODO: tabs button in paragraph dialog is not implemented yet
(Shouldn't this bring up the "Not implemented yet dialog"?)
607 Indentation fields in the Paragraph dialog do not obey boundary

Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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