Re: Gnome fe questions

Subject: Re: Gnome fe questions
From: Joaquín Cuenca Abela (
Date: Tue Apr 04 2000 - 15:01:13 CDT

sam th wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, John Tunison wrote:
> > The modified hierarchy might look like:
> > AP_Dialog_* -> AP_UnixGtkCommonDialog_*
> > |
> > |-------------> AP_UnixGnomeDialog_*
> > |
> > |-------------> AP_UnixGtkDialog_*
> >
> In the interests of consitency, I would have to cast a vote for the new
> hierarchy. Currently, the *only* directories in the whole of the source
> that has both code and subdirectories with code are wp/ap/unix and
> wp/main/unix. I would conjecture that this structure reflects gnome's
> status as a "second-class citizen" that has been mentioned earlier.

Sam, there are several technical (not "political") reasons for this

* We can have a gnome version even if we don't have a gnome version of
all the dialogs (if there are not a gnome version of some dialog, the
gtk version is used).

* It don't touch the existing Gtk dialog boxes (and thus we don't make
the life of the gtk+ programmers harder).

IMHO, here we have two problems that have to be addressed:

1. There are code that can be shared between the gtk+ and the gnome
code, and actually this code is not been shared.

2. Everybody can download a version of Abiword for his favourite
platform except the Gnome users.

The solution for 1 don't need a change in the hierarchy at all. The
problem here is that I'm too lazy. When I did my firsts patches to add
a gnome version to abiword, I didn't want to touch too much the gtk
version (call it timidity :). The last gnome version of a dialog box
that I've done is the gnome version of your word count dialog. This
time I changed a bit your dialog box to share all the shareable code
between the gtk+ and the gnome version (just see the cvs version of your
dialog box).

The change is a very trivial one (just split _constructWindow in
_constructWindowContents and a new _constructWindow) and it can be made
to all (the "about" dialog can be an exception) the gtk+ dialogs
boxes... I don't changed all the gtk dialog boxes yet because I have
been busy coding the goto dialog box, the bonobo integration, testing
the Insert symbol, and studing (but that last is irrelevant :), and this
change don't introduce new funcionality (but it's nice, I agree).

And the solution for 2 is to ask to Paul if Abisource can build a gnome
version of Abiword (I think).


Joaquín Cuenca Abela

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