commit - gnome version of font chooser, paragraph and options dialog boxes

Subject: commit - gnome version of font chooser, paragraph and options dialog boxes
From: Joaquín Cuenca Abela (
Date: Wed Apr 05 2000 - 14:35:40 CDT


Just a note, even if gnome has a widget to choose a font, I think that
by now we should remain with the actual dialog box, because the gnome
font chooser is too complex for a normal user.

Gnome has also a widget for the About dialog box, but it doesn't allow a
vertical logo (like the Abisource one). The real fix is 1) to fix the
gnome "About" widget and 2) to use this widget. In the meantime we will
remain with the John Tunison's dialog.

Greetings to John Tunison for finish the gnome version of all the
remaining dialog boxes!

Joaquín Cuenca Abela

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