PATCH (5): Insert Symbol. Fixed font and persistance problems.

Subject: PATCH (5): Insert Symbol. Fixed font and persistance problems.
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Sun Apr 09 2000 - 21:06:29 CDT

Hi everyone,
           this patches builds on Joaquin faster and cleaner code for
insert symbol and puts back selected character and font persistence
between invocations.

The font problem was caused by UT_UCS_strcpy() weirdness and the
persistence was restored by putting back some code. I don't think you
grokked how the static variables were holding font and selected characters
between invocations.

I see a little flicker on my 266 Mhz laptop but none at all on my 400 mhz

I have a bit of an issue with the small buttons for "OK" and "cancel" you
used by since you let me keep the zoomed selected character in the bottom
hbox I won't complain too much.

My final little niggly problem is that at next invocation, you don't see
the character from the previous selection highlighted with the blue box. I
believe this is some sort of timing problem between drawing and showing
the dialog. This should not hold up inclusion in the source tree though.
It can be fixed later.



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