Request on Cosource: Visual DocBook editor: XML

Subject: Request on Cosource: Visual DocBook editor: XML
From: Danic, Stephen (
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 11:43:03 CDT

There's a request on CoSource which could be right up your alley.

The request is for a visual DocBook Editor.

"I need a document editor which saves XML/docbook documents. This can be an
extension of an existing editor (Lyx, AbiWord, etc) or a completely new

"I want to replace all instances of Word97 with an XML editor which enforces
strict docbook tags. The target users are secretaries, not linux gurus.

"It has to be wysiwyg or at least wysiwym. The text must be rendered on the
fly. Most computer novices aren't comfortable editing documents in plain
text. It has to support at least docbook, but it would be more useful if it
can support multiple document type definitions.

"Most of the existing XML editors (FrameMaker, XMetal, ArborText) are over

I figured since ABIWord already handles XML storage and rendering, maybe it
would be easy to extend it to DocBook.

Anyone want to take a crack at it?


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