[Fwd: Abiword/KWord cooperation]

Subject: [Fwd: Abiword/KWord cooperation]
From: Joaquín Cuenca Abela (cuenca@ie2.u-psud.fr)
Date: Tue Apr 18 2000 - 11:09:15 CDT

I've send an email to the kword hackers to improve the actual (to start
some) Abiword/Kword cooperation. I think that it would be nice if we
can cooperate in the word importer/exporter, and if we can add
import/export support to their native format.

I volunteer to do the import/export filter of their native format.

Well, what do you think about it?

-------- Original Message --------
From: Joaquín Cuenca Abela <cuenca@ie2.u-psud.fr>
Subject: Abiword/KWord cooperation
Resent-From: koffice@max.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de
To: koffice@max.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de

Hi, I'm an Abiword developer, and I was thinking that Abiword and Kword
can cooperate in some areas, specially with the filters.

We have a word 6/7 (95)/8 (97)/9 (2000) import filter (James Montgomerie
has started to work in the export capacities recently) that maybe we can
share. It's in a separate module (wv) of the cvs tree. The word import
filter is the same one that can be found in mswordview.

It would be nice, too, if we add read/write support to our respective
formats. We have the Abiword DTD at
<http://bur-jud-118-039.rh.uchicago.edu/abiword/abiword.dtd> (you can
find some test files in the abiword source tree).


Joaquín Cuenca Abela
e-mail: cuenca@ie2.u-psud.fr

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